Our company has sold Talipes footwear for over 20 years, back before the Ponseti Method was introduced as the gold standard of treatment. We have generations of family members who have been involved with selling Talipes footwear and now we have invested heavily so we can drive the development of Ponseti Boots & Bars forwards globally over the next generation.

We have manufacturing equipment and machinery on site that allows us to not only manufacture our own products but it gives us the flexibility to continually upgrade, improve and offer a much wide range of options.

We are selling our boots and bars internationally and working with Ponseti experts from across the world who have helped us implement some of the features and improvements you can read about below. By using our Lazarus Boots & Bars your patient or child will benefit from this global collaboration and the capabilities we have to keep making Ponseti Boots & Bars better and better.

O N E S I Z E D O E S N’ T F I T

Not all babies feet are the same so why put them all into the same boot, especially when their feet are sensitive. All Ponseti boots have a standard curve in the heel and a standard width. What if this curve is too severe for your baby and this curve causes pressure sores? What if the foot is wider than a normal foot and the boot can’t hold the foot properly. We offer 4 different options for new born babies across each of our smallest sizes. You can choose from a ‘regular’ or ‘flat’ heel and combine that with either a ‘regular’ or ‘wide’ width and to make sure you get the best fit we can send you a sizing kit. We also understand that holding over 20 pairs of boots to offer this service is a significant investment which is why we can provide you with one of every size for FREE!


The material used in our Lazarus Boots in nothing short of exquisite. It is lightweight, washable, water resistant, strong, stretch resistant and also soft to the touch.

M A D E   I N   B R I T A I N 

We are extremely proud to say that everypart and piece of our product is sourced from and made in Britain.

S I N G L E   H E E L   W I N D O W 

Our boot has a single hole in the heel to maximise the silicone area in contact with the foot. Our heel window is also at the same level as the base of the sole so you can really see how close your child's heel is to the base of the insole of the boot.

S O F T   S I L I C O N E 

Our soft silicone offers more comfort and padding to your patients feet to help minimise blistering.

S U P P O R T I V E   U P P E R 

Our upper is made from one single piece of material. This means that our Lazarus Boots actually supports the ankle like a boot really should and means that the foot is held in a more stable position inside the boot.

I N T E R C H A N G A B L E   B A R S 

The bars for our Lazarus Boots will also work with our Markell Boots and other Denis Browne Boots. This is great news if for some reason you want to switch to a leather or silicone boot because you don’t have to waste money buying another bar.

C U S H I O N E D   T O N G U E

Every pair of Lazarus Boots comes with a standard tongue and a padded lambswool fleece toungue which if needed will help minimise blistering on the instep of your patient’s feet.

I N S T E P   S T R A P

Because the uppers on our Lazarus Boots are made from one single piece we can position our instep strap at 45 degrees which is as close to the perfect angle for an instep strap as we can get. This helps to dissipate pressure from the instep strap more evenly across the foot and again helps minimise blistering on the instep of your patient’s feet.

A R T I C U L A T I N G   B A R

We also have our very own articulating bar that will work with our Lazarus & Markell boots. Our bar allows you to lock one side in order to help offset any pressure or movement caused by unilateral patients. You can also set the dorsiflexion angle that you require the spring to return to. It’s also very competitively priced.